Monday, November 24, 2008

Beitola da orto Tonda di Chioggia from Franchi seeds of Italy

This beet was grown from Franchi seeds of Italy stock. I purposely over planted the rows with the seed so I would have lots of baby beet tops to eat. The first thinning harvest was about 5 weeks after sowing and produced an abundance of tops to serve two. I prefer as simple a preparation as can be for something so tender, so a quick wilt in a saute pan in olive oil and finished with course salt and cracked black pepper and it's done. The results are fantastic, nothing distracts from the taste of the greens so the earthy fresh taste is clear. I may add garlic in the next bunch I prepare, however, very sparingly because nothing will take away from a simple dish like garlic can. I use garlic very carefully, there is a point in which garlic will cease to enhance a recipe and simply take over. When using home grown ripe tomatoes for a sauce you have something with a depth of flavor and subtle nuance that will quickly be lost when it is overcome by the wrong balance of seasoning. I have just planted a new bed of mixed beets that include yellow, gold and red, so I'm looking forward to more good food from My cooks garden.

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